My most important publication to date is Launching the Imagination: A Comprehensive Guide to Basic Design. First published in three versions by McGraw-Hill in 2002, this textbook is designed to provide first-year students with the best possible foundation for their careers as artists and designers in the 21st century. The sixth edition came out in spring 2019.

My current writing focuses on creative inquiry and innovation. Creative Inquiry: From Ideation to Implementation was published by SUNY Press in 2021. This general audience book combines a wide range of creative strategies with practical and engaging exercises.

I have also presented papers at numerous academic conferences, mostly dealing with Foundations leadership, curriculum and pedagogy. The most notable follow.
The Foundation Experience
Notes on the Pursuit of Excellence
Aspects and Elements of Time
A 21st Century Curriculum: Strategies For Change

Finally, from 2009-11, I served as the Vice-President for Publications for Integrative Teaching International (ITI). In this capacity, I organized a team of collaborators that wrote and distributed our inaugural publication, Future Forward. This 75-page journal includes articles and over twenty lively assignments. It can be downloaded from the ITI website.