My consulting work focuses on Foundations Program curriculum design and implementation, Foundations pedagogy, creativity and visual narrative. Fees range from $500 to $1000 a day, depending on the number and complexity of the workshops and lectures scheduled.

Papers on Leadership and Management

Introduction to Academic Leadership
Designing a 21st Century Foundations Program

Foundations Pedagogy: Theory and Practice

Low-Tech No-Tech Time Design

Projects to date have included:

College of Saint Benedict, Minnesota
Curriculum Design and Implementation
Working with eight art faculty members facilitated review of their new first-year curriculum.

Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, Georgia

Assignment Construction and Assessment
Facilitated discussion with full foundations faculty.

Wabash University, Missouri
Foundations Pedagogy: Theory and Practice, 2006
Working with the full faculty, presented a range of curricular approaches and facilitated discussion regarding curricular change.

Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana

Foundations Pedagogy: Theory and Practice, 2004
Working with an MSU team, substantially revised the curriculum and developed a pedagogy course for graduate students.

University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Tennessee

Foundation Curriculum Design, 2000
Gave an hour-long lecture on Foundations theory and practice, starting with the Bauhaus program and ending with contemporary approaches to Foundations. Chaired full-faculty discussion of existing curriculum, recommended strategy for self-study.

State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego, New York

Foundation Curriculum Design, 2000
Reviewed Art Foundation Program curriculum and recommended a self-study process.

Workshop Descriptions
Introduction to Academic Leadership
Designing a 21st Century Foundations Program
Foundations Pedagogy: Theory and Practice
Low-Tech/No-Tech Time Design